“The Audience in Serbia is Wild; It’s Going to be Crazy!” – Brazilian Band Ratos de Porão Discuss Their 40+ Year Long Career Ahead of Their Return to EXIT

Fans of hardcore need only hear the name Ratos de Porão to recognize this band's authority in the genre.

10. July 2024. — Author: EXIT

This legendary Brazilian band is returning to EXIT! After their unforgettable performance in 2018, where they left the audience in awe with their wild, energetic show, the guys from São Paulo are ready to deliver another unforgettable night packed with raw energy.

Having been around for more than four decades, Ratos de Porão, formed in 1981, will take the audience through its rich discography within the historical walls of Petrovaradin Fortress. The journey will include classic hits as well as newer tracks from their album “Necropolítica.” Ahead of their performance scheduled for Saturday, July 13, on the Explosive Stage Infused by Old Spice, drummer Boka shared his expectations for the show and insights into the band’s evolution.

You’re coming to EXIT. How do you feel, and what do you expect from the audience? 

I’m really excited to be part of EXIT for the second time since we already played at the festival in 2018. The audience was wild back then, so it will probably be wild this time, too!

Do you think the Serbian and Brazilian audiences share the same energy? Both nations are known for their passion for football. Do you think it’s the same when it comes to music?

Yes, I believe Serbians are similar to Brazilians in their passion for music and live performances.

How will the setlist look at EXIT this year? Will we hear more songs from your latest album, “Necropolítica,” or maybe a surprise Terveet Kädet cover?

We always try to include our entire career, considering we’ve been in this business for four decades. We’ll perform a few songs from “Necropolítica” along with classics from our discography.

What music were you listening to while making the albums “Crucificados Pelo Sistema” and “SUB”? You’ve mentioned bands from Washington, D.C., and other American hardcore bands. What about local heroes like Olho Seco or bands from Finland and the UK?

I think you’ve said it all, but it was primarily bands from the USA, Finland, and Sweden.

Before the crossover, “Descanse em Paz” was the album where you started incorporating more thrash metal into your songs, right? How did that fusion happen?

The fusion of metal and hardcore was trending in the mid-eighties. The band members became interested in punk/metal and thrash metal music, so it was a natural process.

What are the dynamics like within the band? Do you still meet at each other’s houses? 

We’ve been friends for decades. Without friendship and fun, the band would never have lasted as long as it has through all these years.

You released your only album in English, “Just Another Crime in… Massacreland”. What inspired you to make the exclusive switch to English for that album?

That was a request from our record label, but writing songs in Portuguese and “translating” them into English was challenging. One version or the other would inevitably end up being inferior, so we decided to try only English for that album. After that, we continued to write in Portuguese only.

With a career spanning more than four decades, Ratos de Porão shows no signs of slowing down and continues to reign as the absolute champion of South American hardcore. Did you ever imagine you would record so many albums, travel the world, and reach this level?

We could never have imagined having such a long-lasting career, and we feel very fortunate. It’s an honor and a blessing for us because, as an underground Brazilian band, participating in such prestigious festivals in Serbia is a huge success. We couldn’t be happier. Life is beautiful!