EXIT is another in the long list of European and world music festivals that have signed the Take a Stand declaration of the European festival association, Yourope. It is a movement that encourages festival visitors to actively participate in topics of social activism, promote awareness, tolerance of all cultures, equality of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation… EXIT itself arose from social activism and it fits the concept of Take a Stand declaration, motivating people to engage with humanitarian activities, placing the accent on mutual understanding, in order for the world to become a better place, for the individual and for ourselves. Take a Stand organization offers music, art, and creativity to millions of young people each year. Their activities are aimed at connecting people and creating a youth community via a peaceful and positive way, that will be able to enjoy music and culture.
EXIT is celebrating 50 years from the famous Summer of Love, marking the events from 1967, when the revolutionary hippie movement change the world forever. This social phenomenon gathered the people from various parts of the planet around the idea of community, peace, solidarity and love, and had an immeasurable influence on contemporary music, as well as the culture as a whole. The sign of peace, colorful clothes and flowers in the hair are, for many people, the first association to the Summer of Love and the movement whose greatest achievements include fighting for peace, freedom of speech, human rights, i.e. social, racial and gender equality.
Let us fight for what we believe, with an open mind and a human heart, respecting others and showing solidarity. For us, for future generations, for the future of Europe. Let us be human and intelligent! Let us take a stand!