General Information

EXIT Foundation, Novi Sad, Kisačka 5, as the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) of the EXIT FESTIVAL (hereinafter referred to as “Exit”), informs ticket buyers and establishes the binding rules for the use of festival tickets:

  • Buyers of multi-day tickets, upon purchasing at a physical or online sales point, will receive a physical or electronic voucher which serves as proof of payment for the Exit ticket.
  • The voucher is exchanged for a ticket in the form of a special festival wristband with a barcode, which will be put on the user’s wrist in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Organizer.
  • The location, working hours, and all other necessary details about the exchange will be announced no later than 3 days before the start of Exit on this website.
  • The voucher must be presented when exchanging for a festival wristband:
    – A physical voucher must be presented in its original form (photos on a phone, photocopies, etc., are not acceptable).
    – An electronic voucher must be presented either in physical form (after being printed) or in electronic form by displaying it on the screen of an electronic device (e.g., mobile phone).
  • When exchanging the voucher for a festival ticket, a valid personal identification document (ID card or passport, solely for the purpose of verifying nationality or residency) or a residency registration document issued by the relevant state authority must also be presented.
  • In exchange for the printed voucher, the voucher holder will receive a festival wristband with a barcode, which will allow them to enter the festival provided it is not damaged, unlawfully copied, or otherwise tampered with, making it invalid due to the careless actions of its holder.
  • The voucher is valid for the bearer, and the presence of the purchaser (whose name may be printed on the voucher) is not necessary at the time of issuing the festival wristband.
  • After exchanging for the festival wristband, the electronic voucher and its printed copies become invalid, and any subsequent attempts to exchange used vouchers or their copies will not be possible.
  • The festival wristband is valid for one user and allows one entry each festival day from 7 PM to 3 AM.
  • The festival wristband must not be removed, and any damaged, visibly tampered with, or compromised wristband becomes invalid without the right to exchange.
  • Transferring the festival wristband to another person or any form of its negligent use is not allowed and will invalidate the wristband, with the Organizer retaining unlimited rights to control and sanction any negligent conduct or misuse of the festival wristband.
  • The ticket seller as well as the Organizer are not responsible for any issues or potential material or immaterial damage that may arise from unauthorized access to the buyer’s email, printing, copying, selling, or losing the voucher or its printed copies. Treat the received voucher, regardless of its form (physical or electronic), as a valuable document and keep it safe.
  • Keep the printed copy of the voucher from damage in a way that allows for electronic barcode reading during the exchange process.
  • Purchase tickets only from authorized sellers. Any unauthorized sale and resale of vouchers, their printed copies, and festival wristbands is punishable and will be processed by the ticket seller and Organizer in accordance with applicable regulations before the competent court.
  • For ordering, selling – purchasing, issuing, and validating vouchers and festival wristbands, only the Organizer’s electronic database or the legal entity engaged by the Organizer for the technical realization of the visitor entry procedure to Exit is valid.

Additional Information for Visitors:

  • It is essential to adhere to the behavioral rules at the event as defined and enforced by the Organizer. Otherwise, the Organizer reserves the right to remove a visitor without compensation for any potential damage.
  • Bringing weapons, glass items, cans, bottles, pyrotechnics, and other items that may threaten visitor safety is prohibited. Additionally, bringing drinks, food, toxic substances, and narcotics is not allowed.
  • Bringing and using professional audio-video recording equipment and professional photo equipment is prohibited.
  • Visitor and their belongings may be searched at the entrance for personal safety reasons.
  • As part of the audience, you may be recorded visually and audibly without limitation and without any right to compensation.
  • Loud music may damage your hearing.
  • Visual effects may have harmful consequences for your health.
  • For all disputes that cannot be resolved amicably, the competent court in Novi Sad has jurisdiction.